Analysis tool
Analysis software for
Investors Mentors
Avoid mistakes with an optimal strategic analysis of startups
Tool that reduces the risk in your investment
Perform an analysis with our Starsys tool to evaluate the main indicators of startup success.
Opportunity management
Faster startup selection processes where you will find a CRM with all the opportunities related to your investment thesis.
Value opportunities
Automatic startup management and selection related to your investment thesis, offering you a complete report on the viability of the startup.
Avoid mistakes in 4 easy stepsc
📊 Create your thesis
Add information on some issues to create your investment thesis, with which the results of the startups will later be analyzed.
📩 Share
You will get a link so you can share with startups of interest and publish it on social networks so you save time in management.
📈 Results
We will show you a report with the analysis from the team to the future strategy so that you obtain a reliable result of the startup's success rate.
🚀 Follow up
You will get a CRM and you will be able to keep track of those not selected, avoiding missing out on opportunities and investment in the future.
Save time and gain efficiency in your investments
Analysis and report applied so that you can obtain valuable information about startups.