
Analysis tool

Analysis software for
Entrepreneurs Investors Startups

Analysis software for
Investors Startups

Avoid mistakes with an optimal strategic analysis of startups

The definitive tool for the startup ecosystem

Perform an analysis with our Starsys tool to evaluate the main indicators of startup success.

The importance of stopping to move forward

🛑Take a breath

During the entrepreneurial or investing path, constant evolution is sought, but stopping to observe and analyze your environment is the best decision.


Analyze the potential of the startup, the environment, market and future objectives to make the best business decisions that will avoid making mistakes.

🚀 Keep going stronger

Push yourself harder now that we know what aspects to improve and take into account to increase the probability of success of the startup in the future.

Platform adapted to your business needs


We explain the advantages of our platform for your startup and how to benefit from it for free.


Save time for managing and analyzing investment opportunities in startups with our tool.v

Analyze the startup and improve its weak points

Analysis and final report applied so that you can learn and obtain valuable information about startup analysis.